
Zainab Abbasi is one of the almost 200 emerging leaders who attended ELNStudio 2015 at 香港六合彩资料 (photo by Johnny Guatto)

CivicAction and 香港六合彩资料 asked 200 emerging leaders how to revitalize public space

Urban experts, activists, scholars and young leaders turned out for CivicAction's seventh annual Emerging Leaders Network(ELN) Studio conference held in partnership with 香港六合彩资料 on Nov. 7.

鈥淭he 香港六合彩资料 has a true commitment to its engagement with the city,鈥 Professor Charlie Keil said, as he welcomed almost 200 participants 鈥 a record number 鈥 to 香港六合彩资料's Chesnut Conference Centre.

鈥淔or me, CivicAction represents the best of what the city can do and the 香港六合彩资料 is proud to be part of what CivicAction is trying to do.鈥 

The day-long conference was entitled 鈥淩eimagine Where We Live鈥 and the discussions focused on what constitutes public space and how to best use it for citizens in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Region. 

Panelists included  Zahra Ebrahim, who has previously taught human geography at the 香港六合彩资料 Scarborough, and alumna Denise Pinto. Pinto is executive director and Ebrahim is chair of the board for Jane鈥檚 Walk, the annual event named after Jane Jacobs, the internationally renowned author and activist who wrote the 1961 book The Death and Life of Great American Cities.  

One of President Meric Gertler鈥檚 priorities is to commit to a 鈥渞enewed and growing engagement with the city,鈥 Keil said, adding 鈥渢he 香港六合彩资料 can do much more to engage in partnerships to do something important in terms of city building.鈥

Zainab Abbasi, one of the 香港六合彩资料 students who attended the conference, also did some advance work as an intern for CivicAction, creating posters and sending out email reminders about the session.

Abbasi, in her fourth year working on a double major in urban studies and architectural design, said in an interview that her internship started last September. Utilization of public space 鈥渋s a personal interest of mine,鈥 she said pointing to projects she has studied that include the High Line in Manhattan, the elevated rail line that has been rejuvenated over the years and turned into a public park.

鈥淚t is important to activate such places, and make them more useful,鈥 she said. 鈥淢y personal favourite is the High Line. It is an excellent use of public space.鈥

Nine 香港六合彩资料 students took part in the breakout sessions on various components of public space. Keil said 鈥淚 believe the discussions will constitute an inspirational moment for them.鈥

Many of them were inspired by the comments from the panel members 鈥 live tweeting during sessions was so frequent that #ELNstudio15 was trending number two across Canada.

Along with Pinto and Ebrahim, panelists included Dave Meslin, Pigeon Hat Industries; Ken Tanenbaum, vice-chairman Kilmer Group and Jason Thorne, a planner with the City of Hamilton. 

Moderator Hamutal Dotan, Focus editor of the Globe and Mail, asked each of the panelists to explain in 30 seconds what public space is.

Pinto said 鈥渋t is the space between buildings, it is the space we all occupy and share.鈥 Ebrahim said 鈥減ublic space to me is when you walk into an outdoor environment that looks like a living room 鈥 people are feeding their kids, or kids are playing and people are having conversations, things that would normally happen behind closed doors. If people use it, it is public space, if people just look at it, it鈥檚 not public space.鈥

Dotan asked Pinto about the 鈥渕agic secret sauce鈥 that makes Jane鈥檚 Walk so successful. Jane鈥檚 Walk was created in Toronto and grown to more than 100 walks around the world, from Calgary to Calcutta. 

Pinto said the 鈥渏oy of being in those walks, opening up conversations where people feel they have a place to speak鈥 allows them to have a tremendous sense of participation in the city they call home.

Asked later about proposed solutions to creating better utilization of space in the city, Pinto said Jane鈥檚 Walk is all about 鈥渂ringing together diverse voices, creating active listeners,鈥 although she conceded that it is sometimes difficult to make the 鈥渢ransition from passive participants鈥 in such activities.

Ebrahim agreed, and said in an interview after the panel session that as a professor in the teaching stream in urban planning at 香港六合彩资料 Scarborough, she has created a new course on utilizing public space called 鈥渨orkshop.鈥

The panelists talked about 鈥渢actical urbanism鈥 and the need at times to 鈥渂reak the rules鈥 to get things done. Ebrahim said one of the most important things is to get city bureaucrats involved early in the process so everyone believes they are a partner in getting things accomplished.

The crowd and the young people tweeting became quite exuberant when Meslin talked about how City of Toronto bureaucrats are trying to stop 鈥渞oad murals鈥 in Toronto, with one tweeting: 鈥渟ometimes breaking the law creates a change in policy.鈥

Another tweet quoted Pinto as saying: 鈥渁sk for forgiveness, not permission.鈥

CivicAction was founded in 2002 at the Toronto City Summit Alliance, and changed its name to CivicAction in 2012. It provides a neutral platform for collaboration and leadership focused on improving the region鈥檚 social, economic and environmental future. 香港六合彩资料 alumnus John Tory, now Toronto mayor, was CEO of the Summit Alliance and Mitzie Hunter, an alumna and now an Ontario cabinet minister, is a former CEO of  CivicAction. 

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