
One of the images shared widely via social media on election night featured Justin Trudeau's head superimposed on Jose Bautista's body

Election 2015: social media highlights of a 78-day campaign

During its 78-day campaign, the 42nd federal election in Canada dominated conversations at the 香港六合彩资料 鈥揳long with and exams. 

香港六合彩资料 experts weighed in with their  while students took to and to urge each other to vote and to share their opinions on election priorities and party platforms.

香港六合彩资料 students were especially engaged in Election 2015, and held that will affect them the most. During advance polls and on Election Day, thousands of students, staff, faculty members and alumni headed to the polls to cast their ballot, and later gathered to watch the results.

Below is a snapshot of the last 78 days at 香港六合彩资料, as seen on social media:

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