
鈥楩uture-proofing Ontario鈥檚 economy鈥: 香港六合彩资料 researchers to showcase advanced manufacturing innovations

Photo of Olivier Trescases sitting in an electric car
Olivier Trescases, the director of the 香港六合彩资料 Electric Vehicle Research Centre, says one of 香港六合彩资料's core strengths is its ability to bring together researchers from different disciplines to work on major projects (photo by Johnny Guatto)

From auto parts made of bio-foams to green chemicals and more efficient battery systems for electric vehicles, 香港六合彩资料 researchers are leading the way in devising new manufacturing technologies that could revolutionize any number of Ontario industries.

One of those researchers is Ning Yan, a professor in 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 Faculty of Forestry and the department of chemical engineering and applied chemistry. Her team has been working with an automotive startup to develop bio-foams that could potentially replace plastic components in the automotive parts industry 鈥 a sector that鈥檚 long been vital to Ontario鈥檚 economy.

On May 28, Yan and other researchers will have the opportunity to discuss their work with provincial legislators as part of a public policy discussion at Queen鈥檚 Park. The event, hosted by the Council of Ontario Universities, will focus on how universities are working with employers to keep Ontario鈥檚 advanced manufacturing sector competitive.

鈥淎dvanced manufacturing is crucial to future-proofing Ontario鈥檚 economy and ensuring that our province remains ahead of the curve when it comes to implementing innovative technologies and processes and creating new jobs,鈥 said Vivek Goel, 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 vice-president of research and innovation.

鈥溝愀哿喜首柿镶檚 world-class research in various facets of advanced technologies has a key role to play, and dialogue between our experts and policy-makers is crucial to ensuring that Ontario鈥檚 advanced manufacturing sector thrives now and in the future.鈥

The Ontario manufacturing sector accounts for 18 per cent of the province鈥檚 economy, generating $270 billion in annual sales, and employs over 12 per cent of its workforce. In 2018, the federal government named advanced manufacturing in Ontario one of five innovation superclusters 鈥 collections of companies, research institutions and innovation partners 鈥 as part of a strategy to invest in industries where Canada has an opportunity to be a world leader.  

Yan, who specializes in developing green chemicals, bio-based composites and other products from renewable forestry resources, plans to show off product samples at the Queen鈥檚 Park event.

鈥淲e鈥檒l bring some bio-adhesives and bio-resins which were synthetized using materials from forest residue and biomolecules from forests,鈥 she said, adding that she wants to demonstrate that making green products is possible through advanced manufacturing in Ontario 鈥 and that undertaking a more sustainable approach can play a role in reducing carbon footprints. 

鈥淲e can make products which can replace plastics and chemicals to be more sustainable.鈥

Yan will be joined at the event by PhD student Nicole Tratnik, who joined Yan鈥檚 group in 2016. Tratnik will present a cornstarch-based adhesive she developed with Ontario-based agricultural feed 鈥 one that is formaldehyde-free and fire-resistant. Tratnik鈥檚 products could be adapted to manufacturing operations in forestry, construction and building products, according to Yan.

Elsewhere at 香港六合彩资料, researchers are working closely with partners in the auto sector to develop technologies that are driving a shift towards environmentally friendly electric vehicles (EVs).

鈥淭oday, EVs are very conservative because there isn鈥檛 really a lot of intelligence in how their battery systems are used,鈥 said Olivier Trescases, the director of the 香港六合彩资料 Electric Vehicle Research Centre (UTEV) and professor in the Edward S. Rogers Sr. department of electrical and computer engineering.

鈥淚f you can improve that, you can really push the limits and get more range and better lifetime. So we鈥檙e embedding better electronics and mechanical design to get better performance from the EVs.鈥

One of the projects involves developing sub-systems for 鈥 made by Toronto-based startup Havelaar Canada, UTEV鈥檚 founding industry partner.

Havelaar is consulting with UTEV on technology with the intention of becoming the centre鈥檚 commercialization partner 鈥 although Trescases said several other companies have since entered the fray to leverage UTEV鈥檚 expertise.

Another project involves designing battery systems for the A2B electric car, manufactured by Toronto Electric. Trescases describes the car as a 鈥渕oving lab鈥 that is used to test new technologies and platforms.

Trescases鈥檚 own area of focus is in power electronics 鈥 he holds a Canada Research Chair in Power Electronic Converters 鈥 but he said the advancements being made at UTEV wouldn鈥檛 be possible if it weren鈥檛 for the diverse range of expertise found at the centre.

鈥淲e鈥檙e combining electrical engineering, computer, mechanical, aerospace and robotics engineering,鈥 he said. 鈥淥ne of the strengths of 香港六合彩资料 is the ability to do multidisciplinary work. Instead of having lots of different researchers working in silos, we鈥檙e bringing them together and doing larger-scale projects that wouldn鈥檛 otherwise be possible.鈥

Trescases added that the technological and manufacturing breakthroughs that can be forged through such large-scale projects promise to make a huge contribution to the Ontario labour market.

鈥淭hrough UTEV, we can train a new generation of engineers who can go out and contribute to this technology revolution,鈥 he said.

鈥淚n terms of job creation, it鈥檚 a huge opportunity because there鈥檚 a massive shift happening and hopefully Canada can capitalize on it.鈥

With a file from Perry King