
鈥楢 lasting impact鈥: Ellen Hodnett retires as ombudsperson after 45-year 香港六合彩资料 career

Ellen Hodnett

Ellen Hodnett, who taught in the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing for 39 years, has led 香港六合彩资料's independent Office of the Ombudsperson since 2015 (Photo by Johnny Guatto)

Professor Emeritus Ellen Hodnett is completing her final term as the 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 ombudsperson, drawing the curtain on an illustrious career at the university that spanned more than 45 years.

Hodnett has led 鈥 an independent office that鈥檚 devoted to helping students, staff, faculty and alumni with complaints and disputes in a neutral capacity 鈥 since 2015. She previously served as a teaching staff member of 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 Governing Council and was chair of the academic board for four years.

A registered nurse, Hodnett taught in the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing for 39 years, carrying out highly influential research on care for childbearing women and the impact of health-care environments on patient outcomes.

She was appointed Canada鈥檚 first nursing research chair in 1996 and retired as a professor in 2014.

鈥淚 thought that was it 鈥 great career, loved every minute of it, and I鈥檓 retired now,鈥 Hodnett says. 鈥淪o, I was surprised when I came back a year later for a different kind of career as an ombudsperson. It鈥檚 been both challenging and rewarding 鈥 not always easy, of course, because the role is one where you鈥檙e in a liminal space, on the outside looking in, always with an eye towards fairness.

鈥淚鈥檝e really enjoyed and appreciated the role. The opportunities to work with so many fantastic people among the staff in the ombud鈥檚 office, Governing Council and the wider 香港六合彩资料 community has been a really nice end to my professional life.鈥

Established in 1975, 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 Office of the Ombudsperson operates independently of the university鈥檚 administration and helps members of the community deal with issues and complaints when all other avenues have been exhausted. All matters brought to the office are kept confidential, unless complainants agree otherwise.

The ombudsperson also issues annual reports that highlight statistics about the number of cases dealt with by the office and trends with regards to the types of complaints being filed and the type of complainants 鈥 students, staff and faculty 鈥 who are filing them. The office also alerts Governing Council and university leadership of systemic issues that merit review and offers its recommendations.

Hodnett鈥檚 term as ombudsperson officially ended June 30. She will be succeeded by Bruce Kidd, professor emeritus in the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education and former vice-president and principal of 香港六合彩资料 Scarborough.

Cheryl Regehr, 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 vice-president and provost, hailed Hodnett鈥檚 鈥減rofound impact鈥 on 香港六合彩资料 over the years.

鈥淚鈥檓 inspired by Professor Hodnett鈥檚 service to the university, and by her many accomplishments. As professor of nursing, her rigorous research on forms of care for childbearing women influenced care standards around the world,鈥 says Regehr, who describes Hodnett as a 鈥渢rue trailblazer for women in health鈥 and a 鈥渄ynamic and motivating force鈥 for her students.

鈥淎s ombudsperson, she has approached challenging situations with care, compassion, professionalism and empathy. Over the course of her six years in this vital position, Professor Hodnett has brought her unfailing wisdom to the office, to the benefit of all.

鈥淭hroughout this time, and indeed, in all her pursuits at the university, she has been resolute in her commitment to making the university the best place it can be 鈥 for students, faculty, alumni, and staff. I am extremely grateful for her service, and her immense contributions to 香港六合彩资料 as ombudsperson, as a scholar and researcher, and as a committed part of our institution鈥檚 governance.鈥

Claire Kennedy, outgoing chair of 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 Governing Council 鈥 to which the ombudsperson reports 鈥 says Hodnett left her mark on the university through her work in the office.

鈥淓llen has brought a wealth of experience and wisdom to the role,鈥 said Kennedy, who presided over her final meeting as chair on June 24. 鈥淗er exemplary service as ombudsperson will have a lasting impact on the fabric of 香港六合彩资料.鈥

One of Hodnett鈥檚 most significant moves as ombudsperson was to advocate for the expansion of the office鈥檚 presence to all three campuses, with the appointment of dedicated ombuds officers at 香港六合彩资料 Mississauga and 香港六合彩资料 Scarborough.

鈥淚 was concerned that we weren鈥檛 meeting the needs of UTM and UTSC well enough by being an office that was solely on the St. George campus,鈥 Hodnett says. 鈥淲hat we needed were people who were rooted in those two campuses to be able to effectively provide ombudsperson services.鈥

Hodnett was also a big proponent of communication. In her , Hodnett focused all of her recommendations on the theme of providing information digitally 鈥 for example: urging divisions to provide easily accessible guidance on academic appeals processes on their websites and improving responsiveness to emails.

鈥淭his turned out to be even more important during the pandemic when everything was happening remotely,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t wasn鈥檛 like you could wander down somebody鈥檚 hallway and say 鈥業 have this concern; to whom should I speak?鈥欌

For Hodnett, good communication is vital not only to resolving issues but to prevent them from happening in the first place. 鈥淚鈥檓 a firm believer that a little bit of primary prevention goes a very long way,鈥 she says, with a nod to her nursing background.

And a vital part of communication, Hodnett says, is being a good listener.

鈥淲e may be able to conclude very early on that there was no unfair treatment or unfair application of a policy, but the person needs to be heard,鈥 she says. 鈥淪imply listening sympathetically and then explaining why we can or cannot help, or what we think has happened, can defuse a lot of situations well before they become big problems.鈥

Yet, while ombuds officers are always willing to lend an ear, not enough people take advantage of them, according to Hodnett 鈥 particularly staff and faculty. 

鈥淪tudents have always come to us for assistance, but it鈥檚 been a challenge to reach out to faculty and staff to make sure they know we exist, and that we can help them when they face difficult situations,鈥 Hodnett says.

鈥淢ore work needs to be done to make sure they know that we may be able to help with situations that are not covered by union or association agreements.鈥

Hodnett says all members of the 香港六合彩资料 community should feel free to bring their problems to the Office of the Ombudsperson 鈥 even if they鈥檙e not entirely sure that it鈥檚 the appropriate venue to discuss their particular concern or issue.

鈥淎nyone with a question 鈥 no matter how silly or how complicated they think it might be 鈥 shouldn鈥檛 hesitate to contact the Office of the Ombudsperson. They鈥檒l always get a very quick reply and an attempt to help,鈥 she says. 鈥淚f the person鈥檚 concern does not fit within our terms of reference, we don鈥檛 simply say, 鈥極h that鈥檚 too bad.鈥 We always try to find someone who can help.

鈥淚 know Professor Kidd will be very much aligned with that idea as well 鈥 that no matter what your concern, it never hurts to ask us. We may be able to point you very quickly in the right direction to get your concern addressed.鈥

As Hodnett prepares to hand over her responsibilities, she says she will reflect on her work as ombudsperson 鈥 issues handled, recommendations made 鈥 with satisfaction.

鈥淭hey were, at least, a real attempt to make a great university maybe a bit better in some of its practices and policies,鈥 she says.

As for her plans for retired life, Hodnett is looking forward to spending more time with family, traveling, reading and playing the piano. But she also wants to draw on her nursing experience to continue helping people.

鈥淚 hope to be able to help in some way with the vaccine clinics,鈥 she says. 鈥淚鈥檇 like to think I鈥檒l find a way to still do a little bit of good while I鈥檓 also enjoying life.鈥