
Meet 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 youngest student: she's setting her sights on the stars

Maddy Zhang
From left to right, Xiaoxiao (Maddy) Zhang, works on a robotic arm with first-year classmates, Lorna Lan and Brytni Richards. 鈥淚鈥檓 so happy to have found the place I belong,鈥 says Zhang (photo by Roberta Baker)

The 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 youngest student has always charted her own course.

When she joined 香港六合彩资料's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering 鈥 one of the country鈥檚 most rigorous academic programs 鈥 at age 14, Xiaoxiao (Maddy) Zhang was already an intrepid urban explorer, taekwondo black-belt, lifelong reader, film buff, amateur inventor and one of China鈥檚 top students.

By the time she was two years old, Zhang could read. In first grade, she could recite multiplication tables, an educational milestone that prompted her to skip Grade 2. Then she was on her own.

鈥淣o one really skips grades in China,鈥 recalls Zhang, a native of Beijing. 鈥淲hen that happened, they didn鈥檛 know what to do with me.鈥

Barbara McCann, who served as 香港六合彩资料 Engineering鈥檚 registrar for more than 30 years, believes Zhang is youngest student in The Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering鈥檚 history. 

In Grade 5, Zhang was placed into a highly competitive program for exceptionally gifted children, which was intended to quantify students鈥 intelligence, creativity, memory, focus and problem-solving capabilities. 

The year culminated in a week-long camp: 70 children were sent to live together in dormitories for a final round of physical and intellectual testing. Participants were taught subjects such as calculus at a university level and tested at the end of the week with no opportunity for review beforehand. Any child who cried, due to homesickness or stress, was disqualified from entry into the program.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 remember this, but later teachers told me I was helping other students calm down and focus,鈥 says Zhang. 鈥淓veryone there was very smart, and the week was really tough.鈥

Zhang made the cut, along with 31 others. This class of 10-year-olds would spend the next four years in an intensive program aimed at enabling them to graduate high school at age 14, and take the standardized test 鈥 the National Higher Education Entrance Exam 鈥 that determines admission to China鈥檚 top universities. The program was located within a regular high school, and Zhang socialized with students both in and outside of her class.

鈥淚 became good friends with some of the regular high school students, who were much older than me,鈥 says Zhang. 鈥淚 was often a kind of psychologist for some of my friends 鈥 they came to me for lots of life advice!鈥

When she was 11, Zhang came to Toronto to visit an aunt in Mississauga. During that trip she saw the 香港六合彩资料 campus and was hooked: 鈥淚 fell in love with it,鈥 she remembers.

Later, one of her best friends left Beijing to complete his last year of high school in Toronto 鈥 they kept in touch by email, and Zhang was thrilled by his accounts of the freedom and independence students were afforded in Canada. She hatched a plan: for the next two years, her second and third in the accelerated high-school program, Zhang convinced her mom to send her to complete her final year at an international high school in the Toronto area. She was 13.

Her mother, a diplomat with the Chinese government, had always encouraged her daughter鈥檚 curiosity and desire for adventure. Zhang spent her final year of high school at Ontario International College in Scarborough, billeting with a homestay family and several other students.

It was a year of both excitement and loneliness, but Zhang seized her new independence with both hands. She took to urban exploring, reading restaurant reviews and picking a dinner destination, then mapping a route on the TTC and heading out. She鈥檇 arrive at the restaurant and request a table for one.

鈥淚 also liked to ride the TTC all around, and just get out anywhere and start walking. I鈥檇 have no idea where I was, and would have to find my way home,鈥 says Zhang. 鈥淪ometimes it was a bit scary late at night, but I learned to always carry a flashlight in my backpack.鈥

The father of the family she was living with called himself a self-taught engineer, always fixing things and tinkering around the house. He taught Zhang some construction basics, and this helped ignite a desire to pursue engineering.

She celebrated her 15th birthday in January 2017, her second semester at 香港六合彩资料 Engineering.

鈥淣ow that I鈥檓 15, I鈥檓 starting to feel more like a teenager or young adult 鈥 people here, my classmates and friends, don鈥檛 treat me like a child. My age is not an issue,鈥 says Zhang. 鈥淚鈥檝e never really felt like a complete person before鈥 think all children sort of feel that way. I鈥檓 so happy to have found the place I belong.鈥

Though Zhang finds the engineering science program challenging 鈥 she was shocked to receive a 60 per cent mark on a midterm, as she鈥檇 never seen a grade under 90 per cent before 鈥 Zhang says she鈥檚 encouraged and supported by her classmates.

鈥淓veryone in the program is incredibly smart, and there鈥檚 so much diversity of backgrounds and interests here,鈥 she says. 鈥淏ut rather than compete, we all help each other with the difficult tasks. It鈥檚 like a family.鈥

Engineering students choose their majors in the third year of the program, and Zhang is already setting her sights high 鈥 she鈥檚 interested in physics or aerospace, and recently took a tour of the 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 Institute for Aerospace Studies where she was captivated by the full-scale flight simulator.

鈥淥ne of my friends is a trained pilot, and I鈥檓 very interested in aviation and space.鈥

If Maddy Zhang aims for the stars, it鈥檚 a safe bet she鈥檒l get there.



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