
Think big and harness community: Eva and Allen Lau share top tips for entrepreneurs

Eva and Allen Lau, business leaders and co-founders of Two Small Fish Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm, have some advice for entrepreneurs at the 香港六合彩资料: leverage the 香港六合彩资料 community.

鈥淣otice your classmates, your professors,鈥 Eva says . 鈥淥ne day they could be your customers, your co-founders, your business partners.鈥

鈥淚t鈥檚 up to you to leverage all the resources within the 香港六合彩资料 ecosystem so that it can drastically improve the success rate of your startup,鈥 Allen adds.

The 香港六合彩资料 alumni and spouses are widely known for their roles in launching Wattpad, a digital storytelling platform co-founded by Allen in 2006, with Eva as one of its founding members, and sold in 2021 in a US$600-million deal.  

Last week, the venture capitalists announced Two Small Fish Ventures had secured the , meeting its $40-million target.

Earlier this year, the pair delivered a keynote titled 鈥淪chool of Fish: Lessons from Swimming Upstream鈥 at the Desjardins Speaker Series during 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 Entrepreneurship Week.

In the video, the Laus share their top tips for entrepreneurs and startup founders, including the importance of picking the right key performance indicator (KPI), taking investors through your story and thinking big.

鈥淚n the pitch, what I鈥檓 looking for is, will the startup be the category winner or 鈥 even better 鈥 the category creator?鈥 Allen says.

鈥淲hat I鈥檓 looking for are people who are ambitious, who want to be the game changer,鈥 Eva adds. 鈥淭o me, that鈥檚 what innovation looks like.鈥

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