
香港六合彩资料 researcher to talk about AI opportunities 鈥 and designing household robots

Sanja Fidler will be one of several speakers during campus career event
Photo of Sanja Fidler
Sanja Fidler, an assistant professor in 香港六合彩资料 Mississauga's department of mathematical and computational sciences, talks about her research earlier this year at the ElevateTO conference (photo by Chris Sorensen)

Sanja Fidler has a back-of-the-envelope way to track Toronto鈥檚 rapid emergence as a global centre for artificial intelligence, or AI: the number of machine learning graduate students who are jumping at offers to do their research at the 香港六合彩资料.

鈥淵ou typically have some ratio of 鈥榓ccepts鈥 because there is MIT, Stanford and Berkeley and we all compete for the same people,鈥 says Fidler, an assistant professor at 香港六合彩资料 Mississauga's department of mathematical and computational sciences and a founding member of the Vector Institute for AI research.

鈥淏ut this year almost everyone accepted.鈥

The flood of interest reflects both 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 growing global reputation in the booming field of AI and the degree to which Canada鈥檚 strategy of investing in AI research through initiatives like Vector, a partnership between 香港六合彩资料, government and industry, is helping to attract and retain top talent. 

That includes top researchers like Fidler, who specializes in computer vision and applied machine learning. She will be speaking at 香港六合彩资料 Thursday as part of an with Santa Clara, Calif.-based Nvidia, a Vector partner that designs graphics processing units, or GPUs, which are often used to handle the intense computations necessary for AI applications.

鈥淚 do a lot of things connecting computer vision with natural language 鈥 so moving towards robots that are not only going to see but also communicate with people in natural ways,鈥 Fidler says.

鈥淭he grand vision is we want to teach a robot how to do anything in a household 鈥 make coffee, clean your room. Maybe watch TV with you?鈥

Kidding aside, developing a Jetsons-like robot is far more difficult than it sounds. While companies like Uber, Google and others are rushing to develop self-driving cars, Fidler says creating robots that can interact with people in their homes is actually a more challenging problem in some respects. 

Whereas cars operate in a relatively contained environment 鈥 streets or highways equipped with lanes, signage and stoplights 鈥 a robot wandering around your house, by contrast, could come in contact with any number of different objects, from an empty cereal box to a cat sleeping on the window sill.

鈥淚magine I鈥檓 taking a picture in my office,鈥 says Fidler. 鈥淭here are so many different objects that will appear in the picture and some will only have a very few pixels, a very tiny region in the image. 

鈥淚n order to identify all these things, to outline the region and where each object is, as well as determine the [robot鈥檚] task, is a very hard problem.鈥

The challenges are made even more difficult by the fact that any object a robot 鈥渟ees鈥 will appear to change as either the object or robot moves around the room. 鈥淚f I take a pen and rotate it, the image is changing a lot,鈥 says Fidler. 鈥淪o these neural nets have to capture this kind of variability.鈥

This is precisely the problem that 香港六合彩资料 Emeritus Geoffrey Hinton discussed on stage at Google鈥檚 GO North event last week. Hinton, who does AI research for the search engine giant and is sometimes referred to as the 鈥済odfather鈥 of deep learning, recently published two papers that offer a new approach called 鈥渃apsule networks鈥 that aim to make it easier for computers to recognize the same object from different perspectives. 

鈥淭his is how research is driven,鈥 Fidler says. You always want to think of better ways to do things. Everyone right now is thinking about convolutional neural nets for images, but maybe there鈥檚 a better way to design these nets.鈥

Fidler says her goal at the Nvidia event, which also feature presentations by two Nvidia researchers, will be to inspire students by emphasizing how 鈥渃ool鈥 AI research is and the number of truly difficult problems that need to be solved.

鈥淚magine you鈥檙e on the team that builds a car that鈥檚 going to drive itself,鈥 she says, noting that her 香港六合彩资料 colleague, Associate Professor Raquel Urtasun, who heads up Uber鈥檚 self-driving vehicle lab in Toronto, recently drew a crowd to an Uber career event at 香港六合彩资料. 

鈥淵ou鈥檙e going to go down in history.鈥

And creating robot assistants who will do your laundry? 

鈥淚 think that鈥檚 huge, too,鈥 Fidler says. 鈥淏ut it鈥檚 also a little more out there 鈥 farther into the future.鈥