
香港六合彩资料 urban expert on Rio Olympics: 鈥淚 don鈥檛 think any city is ever fully prepared鈥

Beach at Rio de Janeiro
Aerial view of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games' Beach Volleyball Arena at Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, taken on July 26, 2016 (photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP/Getty Images)

Opening ceremonies are set to begin a week from today but the road to the Rio Olympics has been nothing short of rocky. 

The threat of the Zika virus 鈥 which has prompted some athletes to pull out of the Games 鈥 still looms. The sewage-filled venue for some water sports, Guanabara Bay, was never cleaned up as promised. And, as so often seems to be the case in the final days counting down to the Games, the Athletes Village is still a work-in-progress. Add to all of this the existing social inequality and political unrest in the country. 

Will Rio be ready for the Olympics? 香港六合彩资料 News asked David Roberts, assistant professor, teaching stream, in urban studies at the 香港六合彩资料. His research focuses on the impact of mega-events on a city and its urbanization. 

In 2014, an International Olympic Committee (IOC) member visiting the Olympics site in Rio said the preparations were the 鈥渨orst ever.鈥 Are they?
It鈥檚 hard to know what the worst-prepared city is because they said that as well for pretty much every mega-event, whether it鈥檚 the Olympics or the World Cup. I think it鈥檚 pretty obvious that there are some things that aren鈥檛 quite up to snuff in Rio 鈥 the Athletes Village seems to be only half-done just a few days before the Games and there鈥檚 sewage in the bay. 

But I don鈥檛 think any city is ever fully prepared. And that鈥檚 part of the challenge of the whole thing. 

Remarkably, cities and countries are able to rise to the occasion and what I think we鈥檒l see is, as soon as the Games start, most of the media coverage will switch from lack of preparation or fear of disease or fear of violence and whatever else to the competition. These Games are really well orchestrated to capture that type of attention and draw attention away from all the other sorts of things that are happening.

I鈥檓 sure we鈥檒l see some reports here and there about athletes getting sick or criticizing some aspect of the preparations like we saw in Sochi for example, but for the most part I think our coverage will be about the nationalistic celebration of sport. 

There鈥檚 a heightened fear of terror attacks in the Western world 鈥 what are the security implications for the Rio Olympics? 
It鈥檚 hard to know exactly what鈥檚 happening in Rio itself for various reasons. One, we don鈥檛 get as much news about Brazil and Rio as we do about other parts of the world 鈥 especially English-language news. Two, the political unrest makes it hard to get any official news that鈥檚 reliable. 

Beyond that, it鈥檚 not the same space in which we鈥檙e seeing terrorism play out in Europe in particular and the Middle East.

Sure, the threat of violence is contemporarily something we have to deal with globally, but I鈥檓 not entirely sure what that means for Rio. If anything, Rio is prepared on the security front 鈥 they鈥檝e spent tons of money on security. They showed in the World Cup two years ago that they have that capacity and mindset. Usually places that are hosting these events are in such a lockdown they are quite secure. 

(Below: Brazilian Marine personnel patrol during training sessions for rowing teams at Lagoa Stadium venue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 29, 2016 / photo by YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP/Getty Images)

photo of security boat in Rio

Will the infrastructure spending leading up to the Olympics in Rio benefit the city in the future? 
It鈥檚 hard to make the case that the long-term benefits will reap rewards that will pay them back for that amount of spending. 

These spectacles have gotten to the point where they鈥檙e so expensive and so targeted at specific areas within the city 鈥 rather than the city as a whole 鈥 that the rewards are quite uneven and don鈥檛 match up, ever, to the spending that takes place and the host.

The owners of games (whether the IOC or FIFA) are quite adept at extracting their cut of the pie out of the whole system.  Even if there is television revenue, a lot of that鈥檚 going back to these international organizations 鈥 and not into the communities there.  

Some people will benefit a lot but it鈥檒l likely be the 鈥渉aves鈥 of Rio society.

So why on earth do these cities do it?
That鈥檚 a great question. Part of it is the challenge to become recognized as a world class city. Whatever that might mean 鈥 keeping up with the Joneses or establishing oneself as a destination for tourists or business investment 鈥&苍产蝉辫;is really a pressing concern of a lot of different cities. 

We could ask that same question as to why Toronto would ever want to host the Olympics. What would be the benefit from all that expending? Maybe we can get some extra money for infrastructure. And it may be able to raise our profile 鈥 but to what end? I don鈥檛 think that鈥檚 ever really spelled out.

If you鈥檙e a politician wanting to put your stamp on a city, then that鈥檚 something you鈥檙e interested in, but in terms of social benefits, they never seem to play out. 

It鈥檚 very much based on short-term thinking rather than any sort of long-term assessment of what might be good for Rio or any other city that鈥檚 hosting these things going forward. It鈥檚 especially a challenge when cities are faced with high levels of inequality and high levels of uneven development within a city. 

It鈥檚 one thing for London to host an event because they have much of the infrastructure already there so they鈥檙e not spending as much initially to host an event, but even then it鈥檚 a risky gamble. it鈥檚 quite another when you鈥檙e dealing with a city that has some basic needs that should be taken care of and real stark inequality on the ground that this seems to only exacerbate. 

(Below: the International Road Cycling competition in Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil served as a test for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games TASSO MARCELO/AFP/Getty Images)

photo of cyclists in Rio

Is it irresponsible for the IOC and other sporting organizations to grant these cities the ability to host these mega-events?
That is a really thorny question because for a long time the Olympics and the World Cup were all pretty much hosted in developed countries 鈥 in Europe and North America with a couple of exceptions. There was a strong critique by other parts of the world that say it really narrows who can take advantage of this opportunity. So there鈥檚 a huge critique about the fact that there was never a mega-event in Africa or the Middle East and it had been decades and decades since Central or South America hosted one. 

The problem I think, ultimately, is that the formula didn鈥檛 change. The IOC and FIFA expect the same games no matter where it is in the world and don鈥檛 take into account the local context. Not only is the funding formula the same for a rich country and a developing country, so are the expectations of infrastructure and everything else. 

A better question is 鈥 if we want these giant events to continue and we think it鈥檚 a good idea to have them in every corner of the globe, what can we do to make sure they don鈥檛 damage the local community, they don鈥檛 exacerbate inequality and they don鈥檛 negatively impact the ways of life of a lot of people?

There鈥檚 enough money there that FIFA and IOC don鈥檛 have to extract billions of dollars of profit if they host these games. If they had a more equitable structure, there might be a way of doing that.

How do you make those changes when these big sporting bodies aren鈥檛 willing to change their ways?  
I think it鈥檚 through activism, I think it鈥檚 through political lobbying. I think it鈥檚 through pressuring some changes in law, since [IOC and FIFA] are both recognized as non-profits so they don鈥檛 pay any taxes. And I think it鈥檚 also in terms of activism from both athletes and consumers. 

If we as consumers choose to not watch or choose to find other ways to influence the games 鈥 such as not supporting the sponsors 鈥 then change would probably happen a lot quicker. 

But it鈥檚 rare to get a large enough group of people to boycott something 鈥 enough to make an impact.
That鈥檚 the effective power of these types of events 鈥 they tap into all kinds of things. They tap into our love of competition, our benevolent nationalism, they tap into excitement 鈥 they give us a collective thing to celebrate. There are a lot of reasons why the stories about inequality, disease and pollution go out the window as soon as these events start. It鈥檚 because what the news media and what we鈥檙e going to be talking about by the proverbial water cooler are the sporting events themselves rather than the context which they鈥檙e being staged.

One of the things I鈥檓 interested in is how these events are as much played out on television as anywhere else 鈥 and how adept planning departments have gotten at staging television events rather than urban events. 

You clean up the parts that are going to be on TV and you make really nice parts of the city. You have this really uneven development that鈥檚 designed to look good on television and when you get there you realize it鈥檚 no different than any other television set 鈥 it鈥檚 quite thin in terms of its relevance to everyday life. 

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