
At age 18, 香港六合彩资料's youngest grad has accomplished more than most 鈥 and she's just getting started

"A lot of learning in one person"
In addition to earning an undergraduate degree in engineering science, Maddy (Xiaoxiao) Zhang speaks three languages, danced ballet and has a black belt in taekwondo. She plans to pursue a master's in aerospace engineering (photo by Johnny Guatto)


Maddy (Xiaoxiao) Zhang knew how to read by the time she was two years old. By Grade 1, she had mastered multiplication tables.

At age 11, she visited the 香港六合彩资料 on a family trip from Beijing, fell in love with the old buildings on campus and decided she wanted to study here one day.

That day came just three years later. Zhang was the youngest student in her year when she began in 2016 and probably the youngest-ever student in engineering science, a demanding program in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering where students simultaneously learn Newtonian mechanics, epsilon-delta calculus proofs and human-centred engineering design.

Next week, Zhang, now 18, will obtain her undergraduate degree at an age when most students are just beginning university. After saying her good-byes to her 鈥渆ngineering science family鈥 in Toronto, she鈥檚 off to the Netherlands to pursue a master鈥檚 in aerospace engineering.

鈥淥ver the past four years, I feel I鈥檝e been working toward a goal of making sure that age is not my only narrative,鈥 she says over the phone from her university dorm, where she鈥檚 lived the past four years.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 want it to be the only thing that defines me.鈥

To be sure, she鈥檚 no different from most other students graduating from 香港六合彩资料 this June. Like her classmates, Zhang has ambitious plans 鈥 in her case, earning another degree and making a meaningful contribution to her chosen field: aerodynamics and sustainable aviation. At the same time, she shares that, just like anyone else, she faced unexpected setbacks and navigated periods of self-doubt, particularly in first year.

鈥淓veryone learned a lot about engineering and also everyone probably learned more about who they are and who they want to be, and it's the same case with me,鈥 she says.

Maddy Zhang (left), works on a robotic arm in 2017 with first-year classmates, Lorna Lan (centre) and Brytni Richards (photo by Roberta Baker)

When Zhang arrived on campus, she was a shy, diminutive 14-year-old with purple glasses. But she still managed to blend in seamlessly with the other first-years.

Charlie Keil, the principal of 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 Innis College, was notified that a particularly young student was moving into the Innis residence, but it was only much later, during a dinner on campus for new students in residence, that he learned who that student actually was. 鈥淎 student beside me, who I鈥檇 been talking to already, whispered 鈥業鈥檓 the girl who鈥檚 14鈥,鈥 he recalls. 鈥淚 had no idea.鈥

As he got to know Zhang over the years, Keil says he had formed the impression that being younger than her peers wasn鈥檛 much of a challenge for Zhang. 鈥淪he possesses a preternatural amount of self-confidence and approaches things very positively,鈥 he says.

Zhang didn鈥檛 keep her age a secret, but she didn鈥檛 bring it up unless she had to. Even still, word spread among her classmates that there was a 14-year-old in their midst. One day, in a course on structural engineering, one of her teammates on a project tried to solve the mystery by guessing other students鈥 ages. When Zhang told him she was the youngest student, he couldn鈥檛 believe it.

鈥淗e jumped out of the chair,鈥 Zhang recalls. 鈥淗e was 20 at the time, so I guess he felt a bit old.鈥

Kim Lau became friends with Zhang in first year. On the surface, they seemed an unlikely pair: a minor and a mature student who, just shy of her 30th birthday, had gone back to university after working as a dental hygienist.

Lau, who speaks Cantonese, called Zhang 鈥渕ei mei鈥 (little sister) 鈥 but Zhang joked that Lau鈥檚 intonation made it sound like she was saying 鈥渂eautiful lady.鈥

More than her age, it was Zhang鈥檚 attitude that impressed Lau. Zhang was always game to learn new things and seemed to know a lot already. She rides a unicycle around campus. She draws for fun 鈥 and as a way to sharpen her mind and learn to focus. She鈥檚 fluent in two languages, Mandarin and English, and can get by in Norwegian.

She鈥檚 also a black belt in taekwondo and dances ballet. (She started taking martial arts and dance classes at the same time because her mom wanted her to be 鈥渆legant but tough,鈥 according to Zhang.)

鈥淭hat鈥檚 a lot of learning in one person,鈥 Lau says.

When Zhang鈥檚 16th birthday finally rolled around, Lau planned to make the event one Zhang would remember. After a workshop, a weary Zhang headed back to the engineering science students鈥 common room. When the lights flicked on she saw she was surrounded by friends and two Costco sheet cakes 鈥 one vanilla, one chocolate 鈥 set out on a long table.

鈥淭hat was just so heartwarming,鈥 Zhang recalls. 鈥淓very time I feel lonely or miss my home, I think to that moment and I know that I鈥檓 never alone because engsci are like my family, sort of. In a weird way, since I left home I feel like engsci sort of raised me.鈥

Left: Zhang cuts a cake at a surprise16th-birthday party organized by her fellow classmates. Right: handwritten messages in a birthday card (photos courtesy of Maddy Zhang)

Even for someone as bright as Zhang, university wasn鈥檛 always easy. In her first year especially, Zhang missed her parents who live outside of Canada. And she felt insecure about her grasp of programming, which she hadn鈥檛 studied before university unlike many of her classmates.

鈥淚 realized that all I needed was confidence,鈥 she says. 鈥淲hen I started university there were a lot of things I needed to overcome. Some of these things were because of my age; some were not.鈥

Zhang could always count on her engineering science family for support 鈥 in Toronto and beyond. She made friends on the other side of the Atlantic through a programming internship at a tech startup in Norway. The thought of a 15-year-old interning at a tech company was unusual enough to . Her boss raved about her independence, talent and impressive grasp of Norwegian after just a few short months (Zhang still practises Norwegian with Duolingo and by reading the Norwegian newspapers out loud).

She put her Norwegian to good use again last summer, when she landed a research position at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim through 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program (ESROP). There, she worked with Associate Professor Jason Hearst, a 香港六合彩资料 engineering science alumnus, on a project related to the physics of turbulent flows. On Zhang鈥檚 first day in the lab, Leon Li, a PhD candidate and another 香港六合彩资料 alumnus, took her around the room making introductions, making sure to point out Zhang鈥檚 age.

鈥淯niversal shock,鈥 he recalls. 鈥淚 quickly learned not to think 鈥榳hen I was your age, I was 鈥︹ because there was just no comparison.鈥

Zhang specialized in the aerospace stream of engineering science in part because it combines interesting math and physics, but also because air travel has many sustainability-related hurdles to overcome.


Her involvement in 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 aerospace team, which designs and builds drones, rockets and satellites, also got Zhang hooked. 鈥淪eeing a man-made thing fly is just so satisfying,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 like magic.鈥

From a sustainability point of view, 鈥渋t can have a really large impact and there are so many challenging problems that still exist,鈥 she says, citing efforts to reduce drag and noise.

She points to another sustainability-minded teenager as inspiration.

鈥淕reta Thunberg, she鈥檚 around my age basically,鈥 she says of the Swedish environmental activist who is just one year Zhang鈥檚 junior. 鈥淪he did an amazing job being an activist 鈥 but I want to work toward the same goal in my own way 鈥  in my engineering way.鈥

She pressed on toward that goal in her final year working on research with Philippe Lavoie, an associate professor and associate director of the Centre for Research in Sustainable Aviation at 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 Institute for Aerospace Studies, or UTIAS. The results of that research are being prepared for publication in a scientific journal.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has grounded flights around the world and raised questions about the future of air travel, Zhang is undeterred. Borrowing language from robotics, she says she鈥檚 鈥渁ctivated this control system.鈥

鈥淲hen there are disturbances along the way 鈥 and COVID is like one giant disturbance 鈥 just make sure you have a goal in mind, and you can adjust your daily life around that, but still aim toward that goal.鈥

The next stop in her academic journey is the Delft University of Technology, where she will be pursuing a master鈥檚 degree in aerospace engineering on a full scholarship that covers tuition and living expenses.

Although Zhang says she took the 鈥渆xpress pass鈥 to university, she鈥檚 not afraid to slow down and take everything in.

She plans to celebrate her graduation by watching 香港六合彩资料鈥檚 virtual convocation event on June 2 and having a video call with her closest friends. She may also take a stroll around campus, if the sun is shining, and perhaps squeeze in a little work. One thing that鈥檚 not in the cards: celebrating with a glass of champagne. That, she says, will have to wait until she is of legal drinking age.

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